As mentioned earlier, I moved out to my new resident on the 20th. Its still an on-campus accommodation and is considered as one of the oldest resident in the University. My new room has a panoramic view, fantastic view I should say but I still prefer my old accommodation because its ****ing hot here!! In fact, the weather is lovely but due to the fact that 70% of the building is made from glasses, so that’s explained why the room could turn into sauna in summer.

Thats my new resident, Nolfolk Terrace (front view). Superb design but of no use sebab panas!!! Kata orang, harap muka handsome, tapi haprak. P/S: Ignore the date...wrongly inserted.

My old resident...Wolfson Close (side view). Kata orang, dont judge the book by its cover...though looks ugly, I prefer this place rather than Nolfolk, its chilly and that makes me love it the most. We indeed still loving you Wolfson!

Again, ignore the date.

View in front of my old room. Hemm...not really impressive..BUT STILL I LIKE IT!

This photo was taken when I was first arrived in UEA.

Fantastic view over the whole scenery in front of my new room BUT... fact, this is the the real scenery. Disgusting due to the "roofing drainage system" located just in front of the window. Terus hilang selera pok!

Part of my old closet in Wolfson, so spacious...but now.... minute and the "best" part is that...even got piping system inside the closet. HORRIBLE!!!

This photo was taken at 8.30 p.m and it is still bright. In summer, the daytime is longer and today the sun is setting at....

...9.23 p.m. (Sunday). Source: BBC online.
Three more months to go back home for good. So my principle "Just enjoying life while you are still here". So...apalagi..kita enjoy!!! Regarding the posting on the trip to Bath, I'll update you later cause now Im still heavily engaged with dissertation, so tunggu...