I am not being productive today. I have done nothing useful except that Ive only managed to read 2 articles on the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression and wasting "quality time?" browsing through some of my friends and associates blogs/facebook...just to keep me posted on whats happening back home, obviously this "activity" does not help me with my dissertation.
My classmates used to tell me that it’s a “curse” when an economist being unproductive…agree? Ya…perhaps he is right, perhaps it is a disease, a Dutch disease (an economic term) - in my context; where you have ample time and thus take things for granted and at the end of day regrets it for being so complacent. So, I will quit….well quit from being unproductive and continue working on my dissertation!!
By the way, just to share on this breaking news: Church will ordain women bishops! “The Church of England's ruling body, the General Synod, has voted to confirm the ordination of women as bishops”- Source: BBC.
For more details: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7494517.stm
Hai…apa nak jadi…
P/S: There was a heli landed in front of my resident last Sunday. Cool!!...what a view to enjoy...birds, hot balloons, etc..Love it!

...and a friend of mine just came back from Switzerland today and bring some ole-ole, swiss chocolate...yummy2. Thanks Hem.

Walaupun kecik, tak ape...paham2 ajaklah...traveling based on student's budget. whats important - the thought that matters!